Saturday, March 25, 2023

Microsoft Teams Improves Attendee's Privacy by introducing Explicit Recording Consent.

The explicit recording consent feature in Microsoft Teams meetings allows you to request and obtain permission from all meeting participants before recording their audio, video, and screen share. This can help you comply with privacy regulations and respect your attendees' preferences.

Recording Teams meetings can be useful for many reasons, such as documenting important decisions, sharing information with absent colleagues, or reviewing key points later. However, not everyone may be comfortable with being recorded, especially if they are unaware of it or have not consented. Recording someone without their permission may violate their privacy rights and expose you to legal risks.

To address this issue, Microsoft Teams has introduced a new meeting policy option that allows you to require explicit consent from all meeting participants before recording them. When you start a recording, a pop-up window will appear on each attendee's screen, asking them to agree or decline to be recorded. If they agree, their audio, video, and screen share will be captured in the recording. 

If they decline, they will be disconnected from the meeting. You can also see who has given or withheld their consent in the Teams attendance report.

How to enable explicit recording consent for Teams meetings?

To use this feature, you need to enable it in the Teams admin center or via PowerShell. You can apply it to your entire organization or to specific users or groups, depending on your needs. 

Here are the steps to enable explicit recording consent for Teams meetings:

Use PowerShell to enable or disable explicit recording consent for Teams meetings. For example, to enable it for the global policy, you can run this cmdlet:

Set-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy -Identity Global -ExplicitRecordingConsent "Enabled"

To disable it for the global policy, you can run this cmdlet:

Set-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy -Identity Global -ExplicitRecordingConsent "Disabled"

How to use explicit recording consent for Teams meetings?

Once you have enabled the feature (it will take ~24 hours for replication), you can use it in your Teams meetings. 

Here are the steps to use explicit recording consent for Teams meetings:

- Start or join a Teams meeting as usual.
- Click on the More actions button (three dots) and select Start recording.
- A pop-up window will appear on your screen and on each attendee's screen, asking them to agree or decline to be recorded.
- If you are the meeting organizer or presenter, you can see who has given or withheld their consent in the Participants pane. You can also remind them to respond by clicking on Ask again.
- If you are an attendee, you can choose whether to allow or deny your input to be recorded. 
- The meeting recording will start once at least one attendee has given their consent. The recording will only capture the input of those who have agreed to be recorded.

- The meeting recording will be saved in OneDrive or SharePoint and shared with all meeting participants.

How to check the attendance report for approved participants' consent?

As a meeting organizer or presenter, you can also view the logged consents of all meeting participants in the attendance report. This can help you verify who has agreed or declined to be recorded and keep a record of their responses. Here are the steps to check the attendance report for approved participants' consent:

- After the meeting ends, go to the meeting chat and click on Download attendance report.
- Open the CSV file and look for the Recording Consent column.
- You will see either Yes or No next to each participant's name, indicating their consent status.

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