Monday, May 27, 2013

User not able to access the mailbox in Webmail/Outlook.

Hi Guys,

Today I have faced very interesting things in Exchange 2010 and I think I have to share it with you guys.

Issue: -

User not able to access the mailbox in Webmail/Outlook.

Error Message: -

While user opening outlook/webmail getting “This Mailbox Couldn’t be opened” .

Exchange Mailbox Properties,

Mailbox Status in Webmail

Problem Statement: -

Due to the above Error user not able to access the mailbox over the webmail or outlook.

Resolution: -

1.    Open ADSIEDIT.msc ---->Navigate to User OU---->Select the User Name ---->Right Click and remove the below attributes.




1.    Wait for complete the Replication.

2.    Create New Mailbox – Enable-Mailbox –Identity “User Name” –Database “DB Name”.

3.    Check the mailbox functionality and email routing for this mailbox.

I have checked the mailbox status and email routing getting delivered successfully.


Update Assistant Name Field in Outlook GAL

Hi Budys,

Today I have faced this problem, So I will share it with you as well.

Issue: -

Unable to update Assistance Name Filed in GAL for Exchange 2003 Users.

Error Message: -

Assistance Name Filed not showing in GAL.

Problem Statement:-

Due to the below miss update users not able to contact his/her assistance prior to his/her Managers.

Resolution: -

We can update assistance name through Exchange Management Shell and ADSIEDIT in AD.
Exchange 2003 & 2010 Users :-

If we receive any ticket/issue for Exchange 2010 Users then we can follow the below process..

Set-User –Identity “ User Name” – AssistantName “ Assistant Name” –TelephoneAssistant “Phone Number”.

After we update the Assistant Name in Exchange still we not able to find them in Outlook GAL or Exchange.

If we face such above kind of issues, Please follow the below steps in ADSIEDIT. (Please be aware while doing any modification through ADSIEDIT, because you’re doing modification in AD Database (NTDS.dit).

Update Assistant Name through ADSIEDIT: -

Run ---> Adsiedit.msc -----> Default Naming context ---->Navigate to Users OU ---->Right Click user Name ----->Find msExchangeAssistantName attribute and update the assistant name.

Check the above modification in Outlook GAL after active directory replication (15 minutes by default)


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

"There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706D9)".

Today I was installing Exchange 2010 SP3 and ran into the below error message.

Hub Transport Role

The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
if (!(get-service MSExchangeADTopology* | where {$ -eq "MSExchangeADTopology"}))
" was run: "There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706D9)".

There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706D9)
Click here for help...

Elapsed Time: 00:00:18
Resolution :-

I have verified the communication between Exchange and AD server it seems to be ok then I found Windows service was disabled. I have restarted the service and finally ran into smooth setup.


Exchange 2010 Install Error - 'Service 'MSExchangeTransport' failed to reach status 'Running' on this server'

Exchange 2010 Install Error - 'Service 'MSExchangeTransport' failed to reach status 'Running' on this server'

Today I have installing Exchange 2010 SP3 in my Lap I had issue while installing "Exchange 2010 Install Error - 'Service 'MSExchangeTransport' failed to reach status 'Running' on this server'"

The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
if ($RoleStartTransportService)
start-SetupService -ServiceName MSExchangeTransport
" was run: "Service 'MSExchangeTransport' failed to reach status 'Running' on this server.".
Service 'MSExchangeTransport' failed to reach status 'Running' on this server.

Resolution :-

1. I have verified the server settings and TCP/IP settings and found that TCP/IP 6 was disabled and I have enabled it.

2. Open Registry Editor and navigate to the below location..

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > Tcpip6 > Parameters

Create a new 32 BIT DWORD value called "DisabledComponents", and set its value to 0xffffffff (Hexadecimal) or 4294967295 (Decimal).

 3. Removed the IPV6 Entry from the Local host file.



Wednesday, May 8, 2013

How to Modify the Distribution/Mail Enabled Security Group Membership through OWA

How to Modify the Distribution/Mail Enabled Security Group Membership through OWA

Issue 1:

When User Trying to Modify Member list in Outlook they will get the below error Message..

"Changes to the public group membership cannot be saved. You do not have sufficient permission to perform this operation on this group"

Resolution : -

1. Check the distribution group/Mail Enabled Security group Membership Tab in Active Directory and Make sure correct user name were assigned and "Manager can update membership list" were checked.

2. Check the AD replication was been completed default Replication interval was 15 minutes.
3. Now try to modify the membership list in Outlook it will work fine.
Issue 2: -
How to modify the Membership list in OWA.
If you have manager privileges for a group, you can update the membership using OWA (Outlook Web Access)
Step 1: Select Options, then See All Options
Step 2: On the left-hand side, select Groups


Step 3: Public Groups | Own shows each list you have manager rights double-click desired list.

Step 4: Select Membership. All current members of this list will be displayed. Click Add
Step 5: Please enter the desired user to add Last name, First name
Step 6: Double-click on that user and select OK to confirm.

Now you added the desired user list in the required group Membership list.

